Steak Tartare.

It’s the eve of my first day of graduate school, and what better way to prepare than eat a simple meal and write about it? So much better than starting on some accounting homework due in a week.

I don’t have much in the refrigerator and don’t plan on stocking up any time soon since USC is providing all my meals next week. Hey – if I’m tired, stressed, and in debt, at least I’m well-fed. So for my “last supper” of sorts, I decided to make steak tartare. Quick and easy.


It turned out to be way too much for one. I’ll turn the leftovers into a burger for a midnight snack.

Good to know I can still prepare food for myself after having the fattiest summer in Maui and NYC.

Fight On!

After over a year, the process is finally over!

USC Marshall School of Business MBA Class of 2014.

My little corner of campus for the next 2 years:

Bill and I will have an interesting little in-house rivalry next year. But all in good fun, right?

Fight On!

Sawyer Day.

Happy Daylight Saving Time. Or Sawyer Day. Or We-Went-On-A-Picnic Day.

The weather in LA has been exceptionally beautiful, so Bill and I decided to pack a picnic this weekend and enjoy the local park. On the menu was my amazing pulled pork, homemade coleslaw,  jalapeno potato chips, sweet tea, and fresh strawberries.

Sawyer guarding the food. And longingly waiting for Bill to return.

I honestly love making pulled pork. 1) It’s cheap. 2) It’s little work (with high yield). 3) It’s always a huge hit. I’m glad I finally got to make it for Bill…now he can eat it for the rest of the week!

Sawyer also got to enjoy the (human) park and the dog park today. He even taught Bill how to play bocce ball. Quite the talented canine.

Touchdown! Preparing Sawyer early for college football season.

“I claim this land in the name of the kingdom of Saywer!”

If Sawyer somehow formed opposable thumbs and knew how to use the internet, he would find the following pictures embarrassing: